October 9, 2013

CT Trip, Day #1 ~ Apple-Picking!

We got to my parents' house late Friday night, but it was nice to be able to wake up there Saturday morning.

Since it was feeling quite like Fall, we decided apple-picking was in order! Picking apples is one of my most favorite fall activities. 

My mom and I brought S to Lyman Orchard in Middlefield, CT. It was a beautiful day, the apples were beyond plentiful and the views were gorgeous.


Action shot!


Me and my momma <3


I apologize for the power lines in the next couple photos haha.

Tomorrow I will be posting about the first wedding that we attended, stay tuned!

 Happy Hump Day y'all!


Meg said...

I love Lyman!!! What a great way to start your trip up here :)

Lindsay Erin said...

Very cute. We went apple picking last weekend - so fun!

Sam said...

Looks like so much fun! I have been dyingggg to go apple picking this fall but there isn't really anywhere down here to go!

Emily Stewart said...

I've never been apple picking but it looks like so much fun and you can't hate that view either! :)

Jen said...

I love apple picking, it's so fun! :) Love your pictures.

Stephanie said...

Agreed that apple picking is the best fall activity!

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